
Photowall's excellent assortment of high-quality and richly detailed mermaids canvas prints will give you a focal point to really make your room stand out. This assortment of imagery Read morefor your interior design style will highlight one of the oldest and enduring mysteries in the world. Let mermaids canvas prints under the banner of Mythological Creatures transform your space into a haven of beauty and fantasy. It does not matter if you believe them to be real or not, the gorgeous artistry present in our mermaids canvas prints lineup will amaze and inspire you. The majority of us have a general idea about these figures and picture them as an aquatic creature that has the upper body of a human and the tail of a fish, instead of legs. As we explore mermaids canvas prints, you will learn that these descriptions can actually vary. One thing that they do have in common is that mermaids have always been shrouded in mystery, a quality that is definitely beneficial when decorating your space. One thing is guaranteed, mermaids canvas prints will make your wall decoration absolutely memorable. You can also request alterations to match, or contrast, with your colour schemes and overall aesthetic. Dive deep with mermaids canvas prints by Photowall!

Background in mermaids canvas prints

As previously mentioned, not all version of the mermaid are the ones you are picturing in your head. As a matter of fact, the ones present in mermaids canvas prints seem to be a combination of the Melusine and Greek mythology, which barely scratches the surface of the human-fish, or fish-human, legends. Many cultures have their own versions of mermaids, where some are benign, some ambivalent, and quite a few are actually downright nasty. In Japanese folklore, for example, mermaids are described as a giant fish with a human face and a monkey's mouth, and sometimes even horns and fangs. Anyone who eats the so-called Ningyo will have eternal youth and beauty, but catching one often brings terrible storms and misfortune to entire villages. Scotland's selkies on the other hand are gentle creatures who live their lives as seals while in the water and shed their skin to become humans on land. These are just some of the most interesting takes on the subject when people will ask you about your mermaids canvas prints as your wall decoration.

Fact versus fiction

The pragmatic mind would tell you that no, mermaids are not real and are just a product of sailors delirious from months at sea who mistook manatees for mermaids. Nonetheless, world history has been littered by accounts of mermaids, and whether or not these stories are the real deal, you cannot discount the impact they have made on us. This is why mermaids canvas prints are the ideal subject for interior design, not just because of the beauty, but also because of the amazing conversations they can generate. After all, the scientific theory is that life originated in the sea and everything evolved from there. With the majority of the ocean still yet unexplored you cannot rule out the mermaid's existence completely. The important thing is that mermaids canvas prints will not just improve your visual weight, but catch the attention of family, friends and colleagues.

Mermaids canvas prints and symbolism

If you have mermaids canvas prints like "On the Waves" in your space, it can be representative of so many things. First and foremost is logically the connection to the sea, or just water in general. Perhaps you are an ocean lover, or just generally like being in bodies of water, and mermaids canvas prints would be the perfect gift to accentuate your personality. Femininity is another trait immediately associated with mermaids. This would make mermaids canvas prints great wall decoration for spaces occupied by woman and girls, to make the room warmer and more inviting. For a different vibe, mermaids canvas prints can also symbolize independence and strength because these creatures cannot be tamed against their will. Whichever way you go, our motifs in mermaids canvas prints are certainly the ideal interior design accessory to have in your home or workplace. They will adorn your walls with beauty, charm and character!
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